Commencing v0.3 Development

Commencement of v0.3

Hey everyone!

Starting from 19th October, I will resume development of Hololive Isekai. The next version update will be v0.3, so I will be discussing some plans for this version. This will be a rather short announcement post.

Live Development

First of all, I want to thank everyone who has played Hololive Isekai v0.2 and given me all the wonderful feedback. I will continue to work hard on the game and hopefully, we can get the whole game done in 2021. Just a small note, I am resurrecting an old Twitch channel, so I will be streaming development work on that channel on occasion. If you're interested in watching the development of Hololive Isekai and chatting with me on stream, do give this channel a follow. I will make announcements on when I will go live on my Twitter.

Future plans

For v0.3, we will be developing the following:

  • Home screen
  • UI refinements
  • Status effects/afflictions overhaul
  • Completion of Prologue chapter

Home Screen

A home screen is basically a landing site for players whenever they start the game and begin the game after the menu. Here players will be able to manage their party, view the collection of Hololive characters they have recruited, access past story chapters and continue with playing the main story.

Combat Updates

I am planning to refine the user interface for the battle scenes further, so that information will be displayed better and more coherently. I am also changing the whole status effects/affliction system - so characters will no longer inflict "fatigue" or "stun" etc. onto other units, instead, characters will be able inflict some sort of elemental status. These elemental statuses will grant the characters either a buff or debuff. The buffs/debuffs are dependent on the type of element that is affecting the character.

The buff/debuff list are as follows:

  • Fire - Buff: Attack up | Debuff: Damage over time
  • Water - Buff: Regeneration | Debuff: Speed down
  • Earth - Buff: Defence up | Debuff: Defence down
  • Gale - Buff: Speed up | Debuff: Attack down

Additionally, players can also use elements to cancel out other buffs/debuffs.
For example: Players can use a skill that inflicts a water debuff to remove a fire buff on another character.

Story Updates

There will be one more boss fight before the prologue chapter is done, afterwards we will move on to developing Chapter 1. Moving forward, completing chapters will allow players to recruit more Hololive characters into their roster - which will be the main method for players to expand their roster.


I don't have a specific deadline for v0.3 yet, as I'm currently bogged down by IRL stuff, many things are happening that is taking time away from development. Hopefully, things will start to look up in the near future. Tentatively, v0.3 is set to be completed in end of December 2020. Once again, thank you for supporting me! I hope to chat with fellow like-minded Hololive fans on my dev streams in the future.

Until then, don't let your dreams be dreams! 


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Alright. Note taken. Looking forward it! Is there anywhere we can talk about the game with other people?


You can join the fan creator server, there's a channel dedicated to just Hololive Isekai

Yooo! Thank you so much!